Dymola fully supports the Modelica modelling language which is an open standard developed by the Modelica Association. Modelica is an open source, component orientated, physical modelling language.
Dymola supports the FMI standard for model exchange. It can import and export FMU’s that are compliant with FMI 1.0, FMI 2.0 and both model exchange and co-simulation aspects of the standard. A Simulink Coder target is also provided to compile Simulink models into FMU’s.
Modelica libraries contain objects that represent physical components such as valves, resistors, gears. Models are created graphically by drag and drop to build a schematic of the system.
An extensive range of Modelica application libraries are available covering many different engineering domains and industries. These libraries cover domains such as hydraulics and mechanics as well as applications like vehicle dynamics, engines and buildings.
Dymola supports real-time simulation with many HiL platforms including dSpace, Concurrent, xPC and many others that support Simulink or FMI. Complete MultiBody vehicle dynamics models can be run in real-time.
Dymola uses symbolic manipulation to give it outstanding performance for solving differential algebraic equations (DAE). These routines also handle algebraic loops and reduced degrees-of-freedom caused by constraints.
Enables the export of models as executables, dll’s, fmu’s and s-functions for distribution to many other users
Dymola can export models to run as s-functions in Simulink making them fully compatible with HiL platforms supported by Simulink.
The Dymola Optimization option supports multiple parameter, multiple case optimization studies to help explore the design space and optimize the performance.
The source code generation option enables models to be exported as platform independent C code so that the model can be integrated with your own solvers and platforms.
Anything on your mind. We will be glad to assist you!